Clinique is a brand that seems to have been around forever. Its 3 step Skin Care System launched in 1968 and introduced the concept of skincare to women. It might seem like “old news” to a lot of people, but many people do not realize that Clinique might be “your mother’s beauty brand,” but that is what makes it so special! Brands like Clinique, Lancôme, Estée Lauder, and Elizabeth Arden are trustworthy and standbys for many people, however in today’s generation, people are trying new and smaller brands. Jane Lauder, whose grandmother founded Estée Lauder in 1946, now heads Clinique. She explained that the company cannot become complacent because there are dynamic brands coming after them, especially in the last three years, such as Anastasia Beverly Hills, Glossier, and Kylie Cosmetics. Jane Lauder felt that they should not take for granted that people know Clinique’s story just because they have been around for a long time. 


In august of 2015 Estée Lauder and Clinique, which are sister companies, had seen single digit sales declines, especially in skincare products like moisturizers. However, regardless of this I do not think brands like Clinique or Estée Lauder are going anywhere anytime soon. As we all know, “vintage” things are always coming back into trend. Clinique is known for being good-quality makeup. It is simple, with no gimmicks or extravagance. They might not be huge in social media, but the brand still retains customers. Things like giving out plenty of samples keeps people interested. If someone orders a product, they get samples of other ones, so they keep buying. Clinique is makeup that will really work and is not just for show.  Many people’s first ever makeup product was from Clinique. It is a solid brand and this is spreading through the generations. 

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How did Clinique gain such credibility and trust from its customers? Establishing credibility involves three main things. The first is competence, or how you focus on actions and do your job well. The second is character which involved predictability and stability, values and ethics. The third is caring which involves the intention. Clinique is very focused on its customers benefit and is not looking to trick them with gimmicks and glitter. Their products are genuine and work, and people know it. They are also predictable and stable. Clinique has been around a long time and people swear by many of their products, especially the three step skin care set. With Clinique, you know what you are getting in terms of quality. Clinique is also caring and has good intentions. They want their customers to be happy with their products and they want to be able to help them. that is how Clinique became so credible. It is a long-time established brand and even though it is not all over social media or spoken about all the time, it is always there and people know it. 


Hi! My name is Taylor Pontillo and I am a senior in college. I am a lover of all things makeup, lifestyle, and beauty related and hope I can share a little insight into the beauty world with all of you!

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