The 411 On Sunscreen


Sunscreen, our best friend and worst enemy. It can be so difficult to sort through and understand all of the information there is out there about this vital part of our skin care routine. In fact, most people neglect this step and do not understand the importance of protecting our skin from the sun’s harmful rays! I was the same way for a long time and felt that sunscreen was only for the beach, boy was I wrong. Today let’s sort it out so you can keep your skin as healthy as possible!

Let’s Talk About Rays Baby- UVA vs UVB
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We all know that the sun gives off rays, and the most damaging to skin being ultraviolet. The two basic types of ultraviolet rays are UVA and UVB. These rays are both very dangerous, but what’s the difference? Well, UVB rays play the biggest role in causing skin cancers and causing sunburn. UVA rays also cause skin cancer, as well as premature aging, especially wrinkles and sun spots, due to their deep penetration into the skin. An easy way to remember this is A for aging and B for burning. Getting protection from both of these rays is very important. 

What Type?

Most people don’t know there are three main types of sunscreen including mineral, physical, and chemical. Physical sunscreen protects from both types of rays but is more likely to rub off with sweat. Mineral sunscreen has zinc oxide and titanium oxide, which are very important in a sunscreen. Since these ingredients are natural, it is good for sensitive skin. Finally, chemical sunscreen is the most common but either absorbs UVB or UVA rays, mostly focusing on UVA. Chemical sunscreens can also be quit irritating.Basically, mineral sunscreen is the way to go because it is the most natural and protects from both types of rays!

What is Broad Spectrum? 

We often hear the words broad spectrum being used when referring to sunscreen, but many don’t actually know what this means. Broad spectrum refers to sunscreen that protects against all types of both UVA and UVB rays. This protects skin from premature aging and cancer.

What SPF is the Right SPF?
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SPF stands for “sun protecting factor” and can be very confusing. There are so many options and people usually pick up whatever they find. When it comes to SPF, 30 is the most common,protecting the skin from about 97% of UVB rays. SPF 50 protects from about 98% of UVB rays, so it isn’t a big difference but every little bit helps. Anything under 30 is not the most effective. Making sure your sunscreen is reef-safe and non-toxic are also important factors when picking a sunscreen.

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Reapply, Reapply, Reapply!

Putting on sunscreen before you leave the house is a must, but remember, it will not last all day. When it comes to SPF, if you are using 15, it will be active for 150 minutes. SPF 30 to 50 lasts about two hours. Even if the sunscreen claims to be waterproof, it needs to be reapplied. After about 40 minutes the water will start to break it down. Sunscreen can protect you from most of the sun’s rays, but it is not a complete shield, so taking other safety measures such as limiting the amount of time you spend in direct sunlight or wearing hats are helpful. You also need to remember to cover all of your exposed skin with a lot of sunscreen. You should apply sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before leaving the house because it takes time to soak in. It is definitely not the product to skimp on! It is also important to remember that sunscreen expires, so check the expiration date before applying!

Cream vs Spray

Both cream and spray sunscreen work, however, applying spray correctly is a lot harder. When applying spray it is vital to remember not to breathe it in, which happens accidentally sometimes. The best way to apply spray is to put it on your hands and rub it on so it covers all of your body and gets rubbed in.

Body vs Face Sunscreen

Putting body sunscreen on your face is not a good idea, even though I used to do this all the time growing up. It can cause breakouts, whereas face sunscreens are lighter and absorb more easily. Using a facial sunscreen with white or green tea, like the Hoola face sunscreen, is good because they contain beneficial antioxidant components.

So What Should I Use?

Here’s my picks of best BODY sunscreens:

Here’s my picks of best FACE sunscreens:

Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen Oil | Kylie Skin
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Hi! My name is Taylor Pontillo and I am a senior in college. I am a lover of all things makeup, lifestyle, and beauty related and hope I can share a little insight into the beauty world with all of you!

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